
Study Abroad Costa Rica

Our top priority and primary concern is students' health and safety abroad. We take our health and safety preparations for students very seriously throughout the pre-departure process and remain available to students while they are abroad.

We also provide extensive resources and maintain contact with our host university colleagues and affiliated program providers abroad. Students will have on-site staff support during their program, as well as our 24-hour emergency number for ODU campus police.

ODU海外留学办公室的工作人员监测美国政府发布的世界各地健康和安全问题的最新情况.S. Department of State and the Overseas Security Advisory Council. Due to security concerns, programs may be canceled.

Even though most students do not encounter safety issues abroad, it is essential for each student to be prepared to avoid the risk of serious situations. We suggest all students register with the US State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to stay up-to-date on current events while abroad.

To contact us in an emergency call (757) 683-4000 (ODU Campus Police).


It is the responsibility of each student to disclose medical history and health concerns to the Office of Study Abroad and on-site staff so that we can adequately prepare him/her for a successful study abroad experience and discuss any potential health risks. For any students who are taking medications or have health concerns, our advisors will arrange a time to meet individually and discuss the steps to take to ensure you have enough medication for the duration of your time abroad and have contact information for medical care providers in your host community.

Students should also review health and safety information for their respective programs. Reliable sources of information include the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Department of State.

Health Resources

For students who disclose that they have special needs, 我们的顾问将安排时间单独会面,讨论为成功的留学经历做准备的步骤. Our advisors will assist you in researching what accommodations can or cannot be made for you in your program and country of interest. Please click on the Access & Inclusion tab on this page for more information.


Old Dominion University policy #5101 requires that all participants in international education programs — whether of credit or non-credit nature — have international insurance coverage for the duration of their program.

In order to comply with this policy, all students participating in a study abroad program are required to purchase ODU's designated policy for the duration of their official program/term dates, which are set by the host institution or affiliated program. Students will be enrolled in this policy based on the published program dates for their term abroad and will be provided with their insurance information prior to departure.

We encourage students to research current safety warnings and issues, 在出发前和出国期间,及时了解东道国的时事. We also recommend that students discuss safety strategies for unexpected events and emergencies abroad with on-site program staff. ODU staff will also be available to provide assistance.

Some preventative measures you can take include:

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Know what locations and what times of day are safe/unsafe in your host community
  • Travel in pairs or groups whenever possible
  • Know who to contact in the event of an emergency
  • Avoid exposing valuables or leaving them unattended
  • Follow your instincts and remove yourself from any potentially unsafe situations

The Department of State has prepared a list of emergency contacts for each country. See the links below:

Safety Resources

What if I have an emergency while I am abroad?

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, contact local emergency officials first. The State Department provides a list of the 911 equivalents around the world. Make note of the emergency number for your host country and keep it and on-site program numbers with you at all times and/or in your cell phone abroad.

如果您遇到不危及生命的紧急情况,请首先通知您的现场项目联系人. On-site staff are in the best position to provide immediate assistance, whether that be accompanying you to the doctor, filing a police report, or helping you replace a lost passport.

What happens in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, political or social unrest, or threat of war in my host country?

Your safety and security is of utmost concern. ODU study abroad staff regularly monitors US State Department Travel Advisories, the Overseas Security Advisory Council information, updates from our partners abroad, 以及来自我们的健康保险/撤离提供商的关于可能危及您在国外安全的动乱或威胁的警报. We recommend all students studying abroad enroll in safety updates from multiple sources. In the rare event that ODU or ODU partner decides to cancel a program, students will be evacuated from their program site.

Will I have health insurance coverage while I am studying abroad?

Yes, Old Dominion University policy #5101 requires that all participants in international education programs — whether of a credit or non-credit nature — have international insurance coverage for the duration of their program.

In order to comply with this policy, all students participating in a study abroad program are required to purchase ODU's designated policy for the duration of their official program/term dates which are set by the host institution or affiliated program. Students will be enrolled in this policy based on the published program dates for their term abroad and will be provided with their insurance information prior to departure.

The cost is included in the program fee for Faculty-Led programs and is a separate payment for students studying on exchange or affiliated programs. Insurance costs vary and are dependent on program duration. The policy provides benefits that your personal coverage often does not. 大多数健康和意外事故将在你的东道国和你可能前往的其他国家得到保障. For a summary of coverage, please read the CISI Coverage Plan. Preventive care and dangerous activities (i.e. skydiving and bungee jumping) are not covered.

Note that this policy is not travel insurance. ODU does not provide travel insurance and does not require that students purchase it. However, travel plans can change unexpectedly, luggage can be lost during travel, and damage to personal property can occur. If you would like to insure your travel or your belongings, you may purchase travel insurance through a travel agency or online.

Can I opt out of the ODU Study Abroad health insurance?

Old Dominion University policy #5101 requires that all participants in international education programs -- whether of a credit or non-credit nature -- have international insurance coverage for the duration of their program that meets the stated criteria in policy #5101.

How does the health insurance work?

学生将在其正式课程/学期期间购买ODU指定的保险政策, which are set by the host institution or affiliated program. Students will be enrolled in this policy based on the published program dates for their term abroad and will be provided with their insurance information prior to departure. If you need to use the health insurance for an illness or emergency, you should notify your on-site program contact for immediate assistance. Typically, 学生可以在服务时出示他们的保险卡,也可以预先支付医疗费用, and then file a claim through CISI for reimbursement. Claim forms are available on their website.

Should I purchase travel insurance when I go abroad? ODU does not provide travel insurance and does not require that students purchase it. However, travel plans can change unexpectedly, luggage can be lost during travel, and damage to personal property can occur. If you would like to insure your travel or your belongings, you may purchase travel insurance through a travel agency or online.

Can I bring prescription medications with me abroad?

It depends on the medication and the country you are traveling to. We suggest that you refer to the U.S. Department of State's Health Information for Americans Abroad page, which provides tips for traveling with prescription medication. Our advisors will arrange a time to meet individually with you to discuss the steps to take to ensure you have enough medication for the duration of your time abroad. Our insurance provider will then assist us with determining whether or not your prescription medication is legal and available in your host country.

What immunizations are recommended for my host country and other places I might travel to?

Refer to the Center for Disease Control 为您的东道国和您计划出国旅行的每个国家推荐免疫接种的网站. You may need several shots taken at various times over several weeks, so plan ahead.

我如何了解事件(示威/骚乱、机场关闭、自然灾害等).) that might affect my travel plans abroad?

We suggest the following resources for staying up-to-date on current events while abroad:

Cross-cultural Psychology in Rome

One of the most profound ways to experience academic, professional, and personal growth while at ODU is through Study Abroad. We advocate making Study Abroad a reality for ODU's diverse student body.

We encourage you to explore the following resources, speak with your ODU study abroad advisor, and ask about getting in contact with study abroad alumni.

你可能已经具备了跨文化导航技能,这将对你在国外学习有很大的好处, so start planning your next adventure today!


While one of the most transformative experiences a student can have, the challenges associated with studying abroad are not to be underestimated. Transitional challenges are especially unique for students with disabilities, but so are the opportunities for growth. Studying abroad can help improve confidence and independence, increase valuable skills to benefit your future career, and dispel your own stereotypes and those of others.

Sometimes previous experiences associated with belonging to an underrepresented group, 能让残疾学生更好地面对这些新的和不同的挑战吗. With appropriate preparation, 学生和他们所在的社区都能从出国留学经历中受益匪浅.

世界上每个国家对各种能力水平的看法和对这些水平的适应都是不同的. Because of this, it is essential to begin preparations now by doing the following:

  • Inform your study abroad advisor of your specific needs as soon as possible to make sure that the program is right for you and to allow ample time to consider what accommodations are available.
  • Learn about what types of accommodation are commonly provided in your host country, and expect there to be differences in the support that is offered. 准备好灵活和开放地接受不同类型的机会和对残疾的看法.
  • 研究一下你想去的国家的残疾人文化方面的情况.
  • Prepare ahead of time: Read, communicate with other students, and attend the required pre-departure orientation sessions. The more you know, 你就能更好地准备你的残疾和你所在社区之间的互动.
  • Meet with your medical care provider and work him/her/them to obtain a sufficient amount of medication to last your entire stay abroad.
  • Consider how you will discuss or answer questions about your disability in the language of your host country -- learn key words before departure.
  • 当你在国外的时候,保持开放的心态,通过和你的新朋友交谈来继续学习, host family, site director, professors, etc.

Ask Questions!

To help you prepare to study abroad, here are some questions to consider asking:

  • What are the physical environments like in the host country? What are the housing and transportation options?
  • What is the course structure like? Is teaching done through lectures, readings, or is independent research required? In what ways are assignments different?
  • Are tasks like cooking and laundry the responsibility of the students?
  • What resources will be available if support is needed?
  • Will it be possible to take part in any excursions offered by the program?

Our advisors will assist you in researching what accommodations can or cannot be made for you in your program and country of interest.

Helpful Resources

You have made a major accomplishment by getting to ODU, gaining the necessary skills to navigate the higher education system, and adjusting to life on campus. As a first generation college student, you are likely the first person in your family to make these achievements. 现在你有了一个绝佳的机会,在你的大学生涯中成为你家里第一个出国留学的人. We know you probably have a lot of questions and concerns, 所以留学办公室很乐意帮助你开始并引导留学过程!

Did you know?

  • 有出国留学项目,时间从一周到一整个学年不等.
  • There are programs that are comparable in price to what it costs to attend ODU.
  • 学生可以使用经批准的ODU项目的经济援助,并可以申请出国留学奖学金.
  • Our office will help you find a program that can fulfill your degree requirements - including major and minor coursework - so you can still graduate on time.

Benefits to Study Abroad

  • Employers value the skills students acquire through education abroad opportunities. 有海外留学经历的学生表现出与不同人群有效沟通的能力, adapt to various situations and cultures, be flexible in the workplace, and have advanced problem-solving skills. 在简历中加入海外留学经历可以帮助你在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出.
  • The transformational growth you will experience through studying abroad is irreplaceable. 你会发现你有信心实现你设定的目标.
  • 向新地方的新朋友学习可以让你从不同的角度看待情况. 学生们经常发现,他们回国后想要更多地参与到家乡的社区中, and many others find that they want to be more involved on a global scale, often finding opportunities to return abroad after graduation.
  • It's fun! You will have the opportunity to explore a different country, try new experiences, and meet people from all over the world while working on your degree from ODU.

Helpful Resources

bet8体育娱乐入口海外留学办公室欢迎所有性别和性取向的学生, and encourages these students to explore the world and share their stories. Informing a study abroad advisor about your LGBTQIA+ identity will help us support you throughout the entire study abroad experience.

There are people all over the world that identify with the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual) community. Every day, these people are figuring out ways to navigate the laws, regulations, and oppressions of their communities. Compared to the U.S., coming out in other parts of the world is very different. Some countries celebrate LGBTQIA+ identities; in others, people can be imprisoned for their identity.

Many countries are more accepting of the LGBTQIA+ community than the U.S. While participating in a study abroad program in one of these countries, students may discover a new perspective and enhanced self-comfort with their identity. Students who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community may even notice that they are better prepared for cultural challenges abroad because the "minority" or "outsider" perspective may already be familiar.

Degrees of support, acceptance and tolerance, however, differ from country to country. LGBTQIA+ students will find that educating themselves on the legal and cultural factors facing LGBTQIA+ people in their host community before departure will make their experience more enjoyable and successful.


Trans-Specific Resources

Please note:

For emergency assistance, while you are abroad, the closest U.S. embassy or consulate is available to assist you. 不要害怕与他们联系,因为他们不会做出判断,也会保护你的隐私.

We look forward to helping you turn your dreams of studying abroad into a reality. See how you can get started with the planning process here!

Importance of Study Abroad

The Office of Study Abroad is dedicated to sending student ambassadors around the world who reflect the United States' medley of diversity. We believe your personal story should be shared with people from all over the world. You may even help to dispel stereotypes that exist in other countries along the way. The transformational experience that you will gain through study abroad is irreplaceable. 当你回家时,你可以期望有信心在任何情况下取得成功.

Preparing to go

Racial concerns vary from country-to-country. Sometimes students' racial identities are the minority in their home communities, but find that their race is the majority in the country where they study abroad. Conversely, for the first time in their lives, some students may experience being a racial minority in their host country. Often times, 学生们发现他们的国籍比他们的种族背景更受关注.e. abroad you may be identified first as a U.S.-American).

Regardless of the circumstances, 学生应该反思自己在种族方面的经历,以及自己的偏见和假设. Cultures around the world have varying ways of handling racial issues. 学生们可能会遇到一些人,他们对自己的种族过于好奇,以至于完全中立或冷淡. Before studying abroad, research the ways your host culture differs from the U.S. in the ways it navigates racial issues. By increasing your awareness through pre-departure preparations, 如果你发现自己在国外处于一个令人困惑的境地,你将不太可能有负面的经历.







Please contact a study abroad advisor with any questions, concerns, you may have. If financing education abroad is a concern, speak with an advisor. Many programs offer scholarships specifically for underrepresented students.

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your goals and study abroad plans. Click here for your next steps!

International Funding

The Office of Study Abroad can help you make studying abroad a feasible reality. With research and careful planning, an international experience doesn't have to be a financial burden. Important factors to consider when planning your experience are program type, location, term abroad, and the local cost of living.

In addition to choosing an appropriate program, ODU学生可以获得一些经济资源来资助他们的留学经历.