
Nursing is a rapidly changing, ever-important profession. Today's nurse must have a strong academic background, 与深平衡, 培养价值, 提供高质量的医疗服务,塑造专业的未来. 今天的护士明白在社区内发展伙伴关系以向其成员提供卫生保健的重要性. 今天的护士必须了解个体的文化和基因差异. 今天的护士还必须了解现代医疗团队的跨学科性质,并学会在团队环境中有效地工作. bet8体育娱乐入口的护理学学士(BSN)是为今天的护士开设的课程.

本科课程培养具有较强理论基础和优秀临床实践技能的高素质护士, ready for entry-level professional careers in acute care, 门诊, 康复, 首页, and community settings. 毕业生也为晋升到需要初步管理和研究技能的职位做好准备, and are prepared for graduate study.

Find Your Path to a BSN

本科 Prelicensure 程序 is your path at ODU. 被ODU录取并不能保证你会被竞争激烈的护理学院录取. 作为一名入境者, admitted high school student, 如果你达到一定的成绩和课程要求,你有一个特殊的机会保证被录取. As you start your path, 我们建议通过健康科学学术咨询学院与顾问会面.

本科 Prelicensure Program

Guaranteed 入学 to Nursing

本科 Prelicensure 程序 is your path at ODU. 被ODU录取并不能保证你会被竞争激烈的护理学院录取. As you start your journey, 我们建议通过健康科学学术咨询学院与顾问会面.

的 School of Nursing welcomes military applicants, and we have a long record of helping service members in STA-21, MECP, ROTC and the Nurse Candidate Program succeed in the 本科 Prelicensure 程序. 军事申请人应联系军事服务协调员,电话: 757-683-4790 for assistance in processing your university application. 有关护理项目的具体问题,请给苏珊娜·范·奥登发电子邮件 svanorde@remedioscaseros12.com

本科 Prelicensure Program

Explore 军事 Opportunities

应用 to the School of Nursing

Unless you are already a registered nurse, the 本科 Prelicensure 程序 is your most likely path at ODU. 被ODU录取并不能保证你会被竞争激烈的埃尔默护理学院录取. As you start your journey, 我们建议通过健康科学学术咨询学院与顾问会面.

本科 Prelicensure Program

Transfer Student Information

并发招生 程序 is your most likely path at ODU.  同时入学计划将ODU RN-BSN课程与护理课程应用科学副学士课程相结合, 每学期学生将有一个时间表,包括附属机构的AAS护理课程和在线ODU RN-BSN课程. For consideration for this 程序, 学生必须单独申请附属院校的护理专业. AAS课程将在附属校区和相关临床基地现场进行. ODU护理课程将以在线形式提供.

BSN 并发招生 Program

Connect with ODU 全球

Connect with a Nursing Advisor

后执照课程是为那些已经获得注册护士执照的人准备的,他们想通过获得护理学学士学位来提升自己的职业生涯. RN到BSN的学生可以在秋季,春季和夏季学期入学. 学生可以在全日制或兼职的基础上完成注册护士到BSN护理专业. 

注册护士获得66个护理学分中的33个作为体验学习学分. 这些都是由注册护士执照授予的,学生无需支付任何费用.

本科 Postlicensure (RN to BSN)

Connect with an advisor

Academic Program Options

本科 Opportunities


所有被护理专业录取的本科生都有资格申请护理奖学金.  基于经济需求的奖学金候选人由提交的FAFSA信息确定.

军事 Student Success


How do I become a working nurse with a BSN?

1) 应用 for 入学 to ODU

First become an ODU student. 被ODU录取并不保证被护理学院录取. High school students have a special nursing admission option.

2) Complete Required Classes

要申请,你必须修完一定数量的学分和必修的院系课程. A departmental GPA of 3.0 or higher is required, and a GPA of at least 3.6 makes you competitive. 

3) 应用 for the Prelicensure Program

除了提交成绩外,您还必须参加HESI A2入学考试. Transfer students should 与顾问会面 评估课程.




有了BSN,你就有资格参加全国执照考试(NCLEX)。. You must pass to become a registered nurse (RN).


Every state has different requirements to receive your license. 看看在弗吉尼亚州获得的执照是否适用于你想要的州.


Plan to work outside Virginia? 看看ODU的护理学学士学位是否符合你想要工作的州或地区的资格要求.

CCNE Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education


的 baccalaureate degree 程序 in nursing, master's degree 程序 in nursing, bet8体育娱乐入口的护理实践博士课程是由 Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).

Virginia Department of 健康 Professions Logo


Clinical Practice of Students

18 vac90 - 27 - 110 (A)

有时, 一些项目分享说,教师和导师表示,学生们“在他们的许可下工作”。. This statement is not accurate.

In accordance with §54.1-3001 of the Code of Virginia, 一个学生, while enrolled in an approved nursing 程序, may perform tasks that would constitute the practice of nursing. 学生应负责并对分配给他的直接客户关怀任务的安全表现负责.


Have questions about the process?