

Fa​ll 2024


Tammi Dice



Maggie Barber

Associate Dean for Academic Programs & Assessment

Petros Katsioloudis

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

and Research

Jennifer Simmons

Assistant Dean for Student

Affairs & Engagement

Around the college

Grant Funding






DCEPS学院重组计划已经基本完成, with a new college structure ​consisting of 5 academic departments and a ​centralized fiscal department.

Strategic Plan
As part of our ongoing efforts to shape the future of our college we re deeply engaged in our Strategic Plan Initiative We aim to complete this by the end of the spring semester in 2025 and your input will be crucial throughout this process Visit odu edu education about strategic plan
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan s Steering Committee has representation from each department across all types of faculty and among staff Petros Katsioloudis David Ayers Michelle Bartlett Bob Case Jamie Colwell
Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency


墙上的每一本书都象征着慷慨捐赠者的支持, 帮助我们的学生在学术和职业生涯中脱颖而出. 每一份贡献都推动了创新、研究和学术发展.


Name a

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Cierre Curtis | ODU Office of Development (757) 683-3636

Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency

Culture of Research

DCEPS研究支持中心已经结束了第一年的运作. ​We’ve introduced PIVOT-RP, 一个将教师与研究和资助机会联系起来的软件, 此外,你还聘请了一位平面设计师和一位编辑来帮助你完成所有的研究需求.


Dean’s Faculty ​Advisory Council

我们很高兴向大家介绍新的院长学院咨询委员会, which consists of one faculty member ​representing each department to provide input and ​feedback on college initiatives:

                • Dr. Lauren Robins (CHS)
                • Dr. James Bartlett (ELWD)
                • Dr. Lynn Ridinger (HMSSE)
                • Dr. Michelle Arnold (T&L)
                • Dr. Julaine Clunis (STEMPS)



Their mission is to promote individual & institutional learning ​that enhances the success of educators and students in ​Virginia and beyond by forming sustainable collaborative ​partnerships with schools, institutions of higher education, ​cultural institutions, and the agencies that support them.

Paraprofessional Pathways

We’re working with districts such as Hampton, Newport News, ​Norfolk, Northampton, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Southampton, ​Portsmouth, Accomack, Williamsburg-James City, and the ​Eastern Shore. These pathways, along with our lab schools, 正在为准备充分的教育工作者创造一个强大的渠道.

Paraprofessional Pathways

We have received recent grant support from ​the National Center for Teacher Residencies ​Black Educators' Initiative to promote teacher ​diversity - additionally, we have established ​early teacher pathways from high schools to ​ODU through division partnerships in ​Educators Rising and Teachers for Tomorrow.

Grow Your Own

我们还与朴茨茅斯大学合作,扩大了我们的“自己成长”项目, ​Hampton, and Chesapeake.

Critical Conversations

“教育中的批判性对话”系列将进入第五个年头. 今年,它将侧重于分析和解决学生平等的成绩差距.

The Search Begins Anew

We are re-launching our searches for a Research Center ​Director and Director of Strategic Partnerships in the coming ​months to ensure we have the right fit for the College.

Many thanks to Dr. Petros Katsioloudis 继续他在研究中心的工作,以及 Dr. Jody ​Sommerfeldt他已接受了战略伙伴关系临时主任的职务.

Center Spotlight

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

Michael Ruffin -创新技术总监


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is a fun, collaborative space where students, faculty, and staff de-stress, gain new skills, and enrich learning through events, immersive experiences, and enrichment opportunities. The center provides access to study spaces, technology resources, children's and young adult books, computer gaming, virtual reality experiences, 3D printing services, training/workshops, and much more. The LRC has the largest collection of children's and young adult books across the entire university. Enjoy reading your favorite books while taking advantage of the LRC's open study spaces and lounge areas. 免费的小吃,咖啡和饮料定期提供.

Center Spotlight

Center for Movement, Health & ​Disability (CMHD)

Justin Haegele, Ph.D. - Founding Director


运动健康中心成立于2021年, & Disability (CMHD) is a training and research center housed within the Department of Human Movement Sciences (HMS) within the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies (DCEPS) at Old Dominion University. Its purpose is to engage in evaluating and understanding health disparities among persons with disabilities and other health conditions, 实施以研究为基础的培训/项目,以提高这些人群的福祉. 这些努力将得到外部资金的支持.

Center Spotlight

Center for Implementation & Evaluation ​of Education Systems (CIEES)

Jonna Bobzien, Ph.D. - Executive Director


Created in May 2019 CIEES is ODU s first center to focus extensive grant funding on the comprehensive improvement of education systems for K 12 students with and without disabilities With over 60 000 000 in total grant awards from state and federal agencies and not for profit organizations CIEES is uniquely situated to create meaningful change in the outcomes of students and their families while lending support to school districts state educational agencies and national educational training initiatives Current focus areas include teacher preparation and licensure education training and technical assistance multitiered systems of support coaching and program evaluation


Blue to Cyan Gradient
  • September 30
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • January 27
  • February 24
  • March 31
Three White Stripes
Wide recolorable gradient
Three White Stripes
Blue to Cyan Gradient
Square gradient


ellipse glow shadow
Deondre Johnson
ellipse glow shadow
Natisha Harper
ellipse glow shadow
ellipse glow shadow

2024 Holmes ScholarS

Cohort 1



Hilda Adu


ellipse glow shadow
Clarence K Bumpas

Staff Professional ​Development ​Fund:

This fund offers up to $500 per ​staff member to support ​participation in professional ​development opportunities, 加强我们对持续学习和成长的承诺.

Change Your Game

Joanna Garner’s Work in Identity and Inventiveness Comes to Life ​in the “Change Your Game | Cambia Tu Juego” Exhibition at the ​Smithsonian Institution. Garner, 教育合作中心的执行主任, 与一个多学科研究小组一起在这个项目上工作了五年, curators, historians ​and designers to create the exhibit which examines the ​intersection of sports and innovation.

VA Counselor of the Year

Dr. Sheila Barnhart-Ramirez, a ​school counselor for Hampton City ​Schools and graduate of Old ​Dominion University's DCEPS ​Master's program, has been named ​the Virginia Elementary Counselor ​of the Year for her commitment to ​providing effective care to students. 她最近还获得了我们国家协会(ASCA)的全国认可, 表彰她的模范学校咨询项目(RAMP指定).

Teacher in Residence (TIR)

Cohort 10 of the Teacher in Residence program have finished their time in the program and are starting as first year teachers this fall

Career & Advising Research ​Center (CARC)

This year we participated in a new pilot program Explore your Kingdom Explore Your Kingdom is a set of modules that each first year student will complete prior to participating in their on campus Discover Your Pride Monarch Orientation day

Career & Advising Research ​Center (CARC)


CARC completed New To Blue orientation dates to welcome students to ODU and register for the fall term

Office of Clinical Experiences ​(OCE)


Since Fall of 2023 OCE has processed College Verification forms to finalize teacher licensure requirements for program completers

Office of Clinical Experiences ​(OCE)


In 2023 of our student internships were paid

Upcoming Events

View the full college calendar at!

Faculty/Staff ​Meeting

Last Monday Writing Days

Caffeine with the Dean

DCEPS Family Picnic

Tuesday, September 17th

College forum for Faculty & ​Staff

Monday, September 30th

Contact Dr. Petros ​Katsioloudis for details

Tuesday, October 1st

Encourage your students to ​attend!

Thursday, October 17th

Family Picnic for faculty & ​staff in the EDUC Building ​Quad (Rain Date: Oct. 24)



Mark Rehfuss


Jamie Hartsfield

Assistant Chair

New Professionals

New Banner Illustration

Dr. Tom Sequin


Tom Seguin在俄亥俄州辛辛那提附近长大,喜欢阅读和

playing the trumpet and hockey. He completed his undergraduate

2009年在迈阿密大学攻读心理学. Following graduation,


Korean linguist before completing his master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at ​the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2017. 汤姆的职业生涯始于内布拉斯加州的私人执业顾问, specializing in relationships and parenting. Dr. Seguin于2024年在ODU完成了他的咨询教育和监督博士学位. He holds active ​counseling licenses in Nebraska and Virginia and is a Nationally Certified Counselor and ​Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor. 他与妻子和三个女儿住在弗吉尼亚海滩, 他继续与他的朋友分享他对音乐的热爱, hockey, and reading.

Scholarly Activity




(published or accepted)



(National & International)











k Cumulative

Grant Funding

First Cohort

The first cohort of the Ed.S. 于2024年5月毕业. 下一批10名学生将于今年8月入学.


该部门在高级学校咨询教育之间建立了一个门户.S. program and the Ph.D. in Counselor ​Education and Supervision program - 2 ​learners from the inaugural cohort will ​enter the Ph.D. program in August 2024.

Down the Pipeline

The department is early in the process of ​pursuing SCHEV approval for an Online ​Master’s in Human Services Leadership ​program.

Diversity Champion

Dr. 朱迪思·万布伊·普雷斯顿(Judith Wambui Preston)是2024年约翰R. Broderick Diversity Champion Awards.

In the Books

The Faculty Research, Scholarship and Creative ​Achievement Award celebrates tenured faculty members ​and their high-quality research and scholarship. Dr. Ed ​Neukrug was one of this year’s recipients.

ACA Fellows Award

Dr. Jeff Moe was recently selected by the American ​Counseling Association (ACA) as the 2024 recipient of the ​ACA Fellows Award. 他是全国该奖项的三位获奖者之一. Throughout his career, Dr. Moe的主要奖学金重点是LGBTQ咨询问题.

Running Ahead

Started the Frank Scaringello Scholarship, which will ​provide money fro college or post-secondary school ​training to a runner who engages in volunteer work.



Mickey Kosloski


New Professionals

Dr. Kim Bullington

Assistant Professor

Dr. 金姆·布灵顿的职业生涯涵盖了学术和学生事务. 她的经历使她对高等教育的两个领域都有独特的理解. 她是《bet8体育娱乐入口》的联合主编. 她的研究兴趣包括学生的成功, underserved ​students, multiracial students, student veterans, non-/post-​traditional students, student loans, and STEM preparedness. 她刚刚度过了在这所大学的31周年纪念日.

Fun Fact:


New Banner Illustration

New Department, New Name

以前叫做教育基础和领导学系, 这个部门有一个新的名称,以反映新的结构:


Scholarly Activity




(published or accepted)



(National & International)





M. Cumulative

Grant Funding

Training Specialist

The Training Specialist program, led by Dr. Cindy ​Tomovic, will be the first to launch a compressed ​course curriculum, beginning in the fall.

Military Pathways

为培训专家签署了军事途径协定, Industrial Technology, Marketing ​Education, & Technology Education - creating ​pathways for service members and veterans to earn ​credits for military training and experience.

Provost’s Fellow

Dr. Dennis Gregory被选为2024-25年度ODU/EVMS集成工作的教务长研究员, alongside Dr. Alireza Hosseini. ODU/EVMS集成将于今年7月1日生效, they will work through policies and procedures ​to ensure the two institutions can be incorporated to serve the entire University ​community. 两人都参与了各自机构的教务委员会, 作为政策和程序制定工作的一部分. One of the ​goals is to move forward this year to find answers that satisfy both sides of the ​institution.

Shaffer Award

Dr. Dennis Gregory被授予NASPA Robert H. 谢弗学术优秀奖很大程度上偏重于教学.

Excellence Award

Dr.s James Bartlett and Mitch Williams ​won the national Excellence Award from ​the national Institute for Staff and ​Organizational Development.

Lifetime Achievement ​Award

Dr. James Bartlett获得了职业和技术教育协会终身成就奖.

In Development

以DEI为中心的课程正在开发中, 有可能被纳入所有ELWD研究生课程.

Bringing Cheer

This December, the industrious students of the Industrial ​Technology program outdid themselves by creating an ​innovative range of STEM (science, technology, engineering, ​and math) toys. These toys, 为6至18岁的青少年精心设计, have been crafted as part of the students' ​mission to make the holidays a little brighter for kids at the ​Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters (CHKD) in Norfolk.



Jonna Bobzien

Xihe Zhu

Assistant Chair &

Executive Director, CIEES


New Professionals

Adam Fix

Lecturer of Park & Recreation Management

Dr. Adam Fix is a former park ranger, 主要在约塞米蒂国家公园和红杉国王峡谷国家公园工作. Dr. Fix earned a Ph.D. ​from the State University of New York College of Environmental ​Science and Forestry and completed postdoctoral research at the ​Ohio State University. Prior to joining Old Dominion, Dr. 费克斯是俄亥俄州格兰维尔市丹尼森大学的客座助理教授.

Fun Fact:

“I have two children (Oliver is 4 and Frances is 2) and I look forward ​to exploring all the beautiful natural spaces of Virginia with them!”

New Banner Illustration

New Professionals

Yo Han Lee

Assistant Professor of Sport Management

  • Ph.D. 北科罗拉多大学体育与运动科学专业
  • Previous Faculty at Defiance College, OH.

Research Expertise

  • 门票定价,消费者需求,消费者行为

Fun Facts:

  • 因为喜欢踢球,他在家里被昵称为“蜈蚣”.
  • 我去了一所足球预科学校,想成为一名职业球员. Korea.
New Banner Illustration

New Professionals

Marcella Otto

Lecturer of Sport Management

  • Ph.D. in Kinesiology, LSU (2020)
  • 曾在汉普顿和北伊利诺伊大学任教

Research Expertise:

  • 在体育志愿者设置中应用管理和人力资源开发理念

Fun Facts:

  • 去年夏天带领一群学生去澳大利亚进行为期两周的留学旅行
  • 在德国出生和长大,有一个意大利名字,但不会说意大利语(还没有…)
New Banner Illustration

New Professionals

Carla Knox

Office Manager

卡拉·诺克斯是人体运动科学系的办公室经理 & Special Education. 她拥有诺福克市潮水社区学院的应用科学副学士学位, VA, 并获得圣安东尼学院的行政助理证书, Lima, Peru. Carla has over 20 years of ​experience supporting high-level management and managing ​administrative offices across various industries, including ​corporate travel agencies, international corporate construction, ​and hospitality management. She previously served at ODU院长办公室行政助理, College of Health ​Sciences, and at the University Registrar.

Carla’s passions include cooking and dance.

New Banner Illustration

Scholarly Activity




(published or accepted)



(National & International)





M. Cumulative

Grant Funding

New Department, New Name

以前叫做人体运动研究系, 这个部门有了一个新名字,以反映新的结构。

Department of Human Movement Studies & Special Education.

New Concentration

The Special Education program was given ​approval for a new concentration: Special ​Education - Early Childhood Education, ​and has started student enrollment.


Dr Justin Haegele won the 2024 SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award This is the state s highest honor for faculty at Virginia s public and private colleges and universities These awards recognize superior accomplishments in teaching research and public service

Jerry Shook Award

Selena Layden won the ​2024 Jerry Shook Award ​from the Association ​for Professional ​Behavior Analysts.

VAPHERD Teacher of the Year

凯特琳·马科维奇(Katelyn Makovec)获得了VAPHERD学院/大学年度教师奖.

SHAPE America

HMSE alum Jimmy Grassano, a Health & Physical ​Education teacher in Virginia Beach, was named the 2024 ​Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America ​Southern District Teacher of the Year.

Lindsey Nowland ​received the 2024 Ruth ​Abernathy Scholarship ​from SHAPE America ​and Graduate Student ​Award from Adapted ​Physical Education SIG.


Ally Keene

Elizabeth City State University

Michael Kostick

Benedictine College

Hana Almouhamadi

University of Hail in Saudi ​Arabia

Lindsey Nowland

Cal State - San Bernadino

Lindsay Ball

SUNY - Cortland

National Recognition

The Online Master of Science in Sport ​Management program has earned ​the distinguished honor of being one ​of the best programs across the US, ​by Sports Degrees Online.

Stanford Top 2%

Dr. 贾斯汀·哈格勒(Justin Haegele)被公认为2022年全球被引用研究人员的前2%之一. 斯坦福大学编制了一个前100名大学的数据库,来自55个国家22个科学领域的000名学者. Dr. Haegele是ODU为数不多的顶尖学者之一.



Shana Pribesh

Elizabeth Burns


Assistant Chair

New Professionals

New Banner Illustration

Julaine Clunis

Assistant Professor

Dr. Julaine Clunis的学术兴趣集中于





遗产信息学与知识表示. Dr. 她在肯特州立大学iSchool获得了硕士学位、硕士学位和博士学位. She is deeply engaged in addressing the ​challenges and opportunities associated with information access, data harmonization, and ​interoperability. This includes the application of knowledge organization standards and ​practices across diverse contexts. 她的方法集成了高级数据分析, ​including text mining, natural language processing, database management techniques, and ​semantic analysis, 完善和扩展信息系统的效用.

Fun Fact:


New Professionals

Dr. Amber Matthews

Assistant Professor

Amber Matthews (she/her) holds a PhD in Library and Information ​Science from Western University (Canada). Dr. Matthews' research ​utilizes community-based frameworks to explore equity-based ​education and learning programs for youth in public library ​contexts. Prior to doctoral studies, Dr. Matthews had a nine-year ​career in community and fund development where she worked ​collaboratively with communities to make tangible improvements to ​non-profits, healthcare, and community services in Canada and ​abroad.

Fun Fact:


New Banner Illustration

New Professionals

Kristie Escobar


Dr. Kristie Escobar’s areas of expertise include the information ​needs and behaviors of LGBTQIA+ young adults as well as college ​students on the autism spectrum. For the past 8 years, 她曾在全国多个MLIS项目中担任讲师, 教授知识管理等科目, ​collection development, library programming and services, and the ​information needs of all ages.

Fun Fact:

“我是一个中向性格的人——任何认识我的人都认为我是一个外向的人, inside, I am really shy.”

New Banner Illustration

Scholarly Activity




(published or accepted)



(National & International)





k. Cumulative

Grant Funding

Provost's Fellow

Dr. 托尼·佩雷斯被任命为2024-25年度教务长学术成功研究员. Dr. Perez will use self-determination theory as a ​framework to build supports for students who might otherwise struggle. 作为教育心理学领域的动机研究专家. 佩雷斯是唯一有资格领导这个大学级项目的人.

New Department, Same Name ​(For Now)

STEMPS部门的名称与重新配置前相同, but has a completely new structure. 现设有EPPE、教学设计3个研究生专业 & Technology, ​and Library Science. 该部门将很快寻求SCHEV对新名称的批准, 标志着DCEPS学院重组的最后一次重大变化.

Provost's Fellow

Dr. 伊丽莎白·伯恩斯(Elizabeth Burns)被选为2024-25年度教务长通讯研究员. This ​fellowship was designed to improve ​communication between Academic ​Affairs and the rest of the ODU ​community. Dr. Burns will be ​concentrating on the communication ​stemming from several university ​entities including the ODU Faculty ​Senate and the larger ODU audience.

EPPE Grad Wins AERA Award

Recent EPPE graduate, Dr. Melani Loney为AERA的SSRL Sig获得了研究生研究奖. ​This award was based on her ​dissertation: Effects of self-regulated ​learning on community college ​students' metacognition, motivation, ​and achievement in geoscience ​courses. Dr. Loney was advised by Dr. ​Linda Bol and supported by Dr. ​Joanna Garner. Dr. Loney是ODU教育合作中心的项目经理.

Stanford Top 2%

Dr. 海伦·克朗普顿被公认为2022年全球被引用最多的2%的研究人员之一. 斯坦福大学编制了一个前100名大学的数据库,来自55个国家22个科学领域的000名学者. Dr. 克朗普顿加入了来自ODU的少数学者,他们也在顶级学者的名单上.

Department of Teaching Learning Highlights


Jamie Colwell


New Professionals

Dr. Amber Keesee

Lecturer of Elementary Education

Dr. Amber Keesee是教学与学习系的讲师. She holds an Ed.D. and Ed.S. in Curriculum ​and Instruction and a M.A.T. 获得利伯缇大学基础教育学士学位. She also received a B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Tech. ​Prior to joining Old Dominion University, Dr. Keesee was a school ​testing coordinator, an elementary and middle school teacher, ​STEM coordinator, 也是马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州一级学校的天才教师.

Fun Fact:

“I enjoy cross-country road trips.”

New Banner Illustration

New Professionals

Dr. Ayse Ozturk


Ayse Ozturk is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in ​the Department of Teaching and Learning at Old Dominion ​University. She received her Ph.D. 他在俄亥俄州立大学专攻数学教育. 她的研究重点是将数学的学习和教学作为一种人性化的实践. She is interested in building teacher candidates’ capacity to ​transfer their passion and knowledge to students in meaningful ​ways. 使数学更相关,更容易理解, she has ​focused on designing and teaching equitable mathematics curricula ​through enacting mathematical modeling, which involves using ​mathematics and personal experience to inform decisions about ​the real-world situations.

New Banner Illustration

New Programs

学校批准了2个新的教学硕士(MAT)项目, 初等教育和中等教育, to launch in 2025. These will ​replace the M.S.Ed. Initial Licensure ​programs.

Program Changes

The B.S.Ed. 幼儿教育项目正在逐步取消, B的课程也发生了变化.S.Ed. 在小学教育PK-6,包括更强调儿童早期学习.

Scholarly Activity




(published or accepted)



(National & International)





k. Cumulative

Grant Funding

Faculty Teaching Awards

Dr. Jori Beck获得了大学博士导师奖和DCEPS教学奖.

Faculty Teaching Awards

Dr. 凯利·里帕德被提名为2024年ODU 40岁以下校友会成员!

Dr. Jomo Mutegi is serving as the ​Director of Prestigious Scholarship ​and Experiential Learning ​Collaborations for the Perry ​Honors College.

Jody Sommerfeldt担任DCEPS战略伙伴关系临时总监.

Dr.s Jamie Colwell and Angela Eckhoff received approval ​for a study abroad program that will run in Summer ​2025, called Arts in Early Childhood and Elementary ​Education, taking undergraduate students to Scotland!

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